Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 2: Grameen 101 (August 2)

We began at 10:30am on Monday, August 2nd, and proceeded from the previous days discussion on Grameen products.  Most of the day was spent in class going over Grameen's structure, products, procedures and policies.  On the next day, a day trip to a near-by grameen center was scheduled.  I looked forward to this get-away after spending the first two days in meetings and class rooms.  After lunch, we assembled in the main conference room to go over what to expect for the day trip.  This was trip was to be just a general tour and observation of one of the more urban Grameen bank centers, to illustrate what we had learned so far. 
I spent some time walking down Mirpur Road after being dismissed, to people watch and to just take in the scene.  The road was lined with small dilapidated shops and high-rise shopping malls mixed with some new modern buildings being constructed for medical facilities and corporate headquarters.  An endless sight of garbage and waste was also ever present along with an uncontrolled sewer system that over-flows into the street every time it rains.  All this combined with the seemingly endless stream of poverty stricken beggars established the grim reality of this country.  I suppose if public facilities and means for income are scarce or not existent, this outcome is simply unavoidable.  Trash bins and toilets appear to be unaffordable luxuries. 


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