Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bandarban - Chittagong Hill Tracts

During a weekend of my time in Bangladesh, I took a trip with my family to Bandarban in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.  The Hill Tracts are near the border of Myanmar and India and represent the highest elevation in the country.  About half the population of the Hill Tracts are of tribal peoples that practice Buddhism in this primarily Muslim country.  This trip was of particular interest to me, since my mother had spent her childhood and attended college in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

Bandarban is unquestionably, one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.  Its dense forests and numerous rivers that can been seen with bird-eye view while driving up the tracts and is simply awesome.  There seems to be little pollution in the tracts and the air is crisp and much cooler than in the lower elevation.  Life is simple in this part of the country, with simply made houses and almost no infrastructure.  Sometimes, you can see monkey's sitting up in the tree's who co-exist with the locals.  I would loved to have spent several days in Bandarban, but unfortunately could only spare one day.  It was definitely one of the most memorable experiences of my trip here.

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