Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Yunus Center (August 16)

The first order of business on August 16 was to meet in the conference room and review our trip to the villages.  Most comments were focused on criticism of center and group procedures, such as with interest calculations, redundant or ineffectual aduiting, lack of MIS technology, and possible group member exploitation.  I strongly agreed with every point of criticism, and even though, in my opinion the net benefit of Grameen's initiatives are higher than its costs, these concerns should not be ignored.  After the meeting, I spent part of the day editing documents and working on SOP's to stream-line office procedures as requested by my supervisor. 

The second half of my day was spent in meetings.  First, I attended a presentation in the Yunus Center, which is a think tank dedicated to promoting academic research and offering support for Grameen initiatives and social businesses that offer sustainable solutions to address poverty around the world.  The presentation was made multi-national group of full-time paid interns.  It was a comprehensive presentation featuring projects in Italy, Germany, Spain, France, India, China and the U.S.  The Yunus Center is in partnership with many educational institutions and governments and publishes numerous development publications.

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