Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Grameen Knitwear

Grameen Knitwear is a venture located in a special area in Bangladesh called Export Processing Zone (EPZ).  All goods manufactured within this area are for export only and restricted for domestic consumption.  The gated area is well taken care of with high security, with the purpose of attracting foreign investment and domestic investment that conforms to the regulations imposed within the zone.  Employee's are paid a higher wage within the EPZ and provided with free health-care.  Working conditions are clearly much better within the EPZ compared to manufacturers outside its jurisdiction.  It is meant to provide an example and model for progress. 

Grameen Knitwear is a textiles manufacturer and manufactures clothing for many popular name brands across the globe, from the United States to Germany to the Middle East.  Grameen Knitwear produced about 36 thousand shirts per day with a 90-120 day turn around period.  The tour of the facility was quite amazing, with many of the tasks using manual labor.  Grameen has covered its initial capital investment since its inception in 1999.  Worker conditions are strictly monitored to ensure conformity with standards required of foreign companies operating in Bangladesh.

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