Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Patriots: The Men Who Started the American Revolution by A.J. Langguth

I just finished reading Patriots: The Men Who Started the American Revolution by A.J. Langguth.  It is a phenomenal book detailing the events that led to the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary war, along with a thorough narration of the events themselves.  This book is not a monotonous time-line of events, but more a colorful story about those who played a role in the founding of the United States.  A.J. Langguth delves in the personal lives of the American Revolutionaries and their antagonists, and narrates very intimate incidences that unfolded between them. 

For anyone interested in American history, this book provides a fascinating perspective that should not be missed.  After reading Patriots, I've developed a fascination for figures such as Benjamin Franklin, who was a man very much ahead of his time, and Abigail Adams, the wife of John Adams, an important and often unacknowledged revolutionary, who's foresight extended beyond many of her fellow male patriots.

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